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A collider, or collision object, is used to detect collisions. There are different types of colliders, each with a different shape. They are usually centered on the hot spot of sprites, but that can be changed by altering their anchor.

Colliders must be spawned as children of entities. To detect collisions, you may implement function onCollision() on the entity (see the example below), or use the colliders directly. Additionally, a single entity may have multiple colliders attached to it. This allows users to work with more complex shapes than simple primitives.

A collider is an abstract concept, and hence can't be spawned directly. Rather, you can spawn colliders of specific shapes, such as CollisionBox and CollisionBall. All Colliders share some functionalities (detailed in this page), but there are functionalities tied to specific shapes.


using SurgeEngine.Actor;
using SurgeEngine.Player;
using SurgeEngine.Collisions.CollisionBall;

object "CollisionDoll" is "entity"
    actor = Actor("CollisionDoll");
    collider = CollisionBall(25); // ball with radius = 25px

    // The player has a built-in collider
    // Let's make it visible for debugging
    state "main"
        player =;
        player.collider.visible = true;
        collider.visible = true;

    // Detect collisions between a collider that is a child
    // of this object and any other collider in the game
    fun onCollision(otherCollider)
        // A collision has occurred.
        Console.print("Collided with something");

        // Collided with a player?
        if(otherCollider.entity.hasTag("player")) {
            player = otherCollider.entity;
            Console.print("Touched " +;

    // While onCollision() catches the moment a collision
    // first occurs, onOverlap() is called every frame
    // this collider collides with other collider
    fun onOverlap(otherCollider)
        // This function is optional.



entity: object, read-only.

The Entity associated with this collider.


enabled: boolean.

Is the collider enabled? A collider that is not enabled will not notify the parent object if a collision occurs. The default value is true, i.e., colliders are enabled by default.


visible: boolean.

Is the collider visible? This is useful for debugging. The default value is false.


anchor: Vector2 object.

The anchor of the collider. See also: setAnchor.

Available since: Open Surge 0.6.0




Checks if this collider is colliding with some other collider.


  • collider: Collider object. The other collider.


Returns true if there is a collision (the colliders overlap), or false otherwise.



Checks if the collider contains the given point, given in world coordinates.


  • point: Vector2 object. The point to be tested.


Returns true if the point is contained in the collider, or false otherwise.


setAnchor(x, y)

Defines the anchor of the collider to be (x, y), where these values are (usually) numbers between 0.0 and 1.0. Imagine a bounding box of the collider. Point (0.5, 0.5) is the default, representing its center. Point (0.0, 0.0) is the top-left and (1,0, 1.0), the bottom-right. The anchor of the collider will be aligned to the hot spot of the sprite of the entity. See also: anchor.


  • x: number. Usually a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • y: number. Usually a value between 0.0 and 1.0.


Returns the collider itself.


// ...
using SurgeEngine.Collisions.CollisionBox;

object "CollisionTestObject" is "entity"
    // see that the following collision box
    // has its anchor on pixel (16, 64)
    collider = CollisionBox(32, 64).setAnchor(0.5, 1.0);

    // ...