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You may tag objects with as many tags as you want. Tags are a way of attributing categories to objects.


Tags should be placed right after the object name. Example:

object "Horse" is "animal", "vehicle"
    state "main"

object "Cat" is "animal"
    state "main"

object "Car" is "vehicle"
    state "main"

Using tags

You may check if an object has a particular tag with the hasTag() function (see the Object reference for more details):

object "Application"
    horse = spawn("Horse");
    cat = spawn("Cat");
    car = spawn("Car");

    state "main"
        // Horse is both an animal and a vehicle
        Console.print(horse.hasTag("animal")); // true
        Console.print(horse.hasTag("vehicle")); // true

        // Cat is an animal, but not a vehicle
        Console.print(cat.hasTag("animal")); // true
        Console.print(cat.hasTag("vehicle")); // false

        // Car is a vehicle, but not an animal
        Console.print(car.hasTag("animal")); // false
        Console.print(car.hasTag("vehicle")); // true


You may also tag objects with emoticons. The syntax is as follows:

object "Good Day" is "happy", "sunny" :)

object "Good Night" is <3

The following emoticons are available for your pleasure:

Emoticon Meaning
$_$ Feelin' Rich
<3 Lovin' it
:) Happy
:( Sad
:P D'oh