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Conditionals are if-then statements. If a certain condition evaluates to true, execute a block of code. If not, don't execute it.

if(condition) {
    // this will be executed only if
    // the condition is true

Alternatively, we may include an else statement followed by a block of code that will only be executed if the condition is not true:

if(condition) {
    // this will be executed only if
    // the condition is true
else {
    // this will be executed only if
    // the condition is false


The following example will print underaged if variable age is less than 18, or adult otherwise:

object "Application"
    age = 23;

    state "main"
        if(age < 18) {
            // variable age is less than 18
        else {
            // variable age is not less than 18

Inline conditionals

Just like other languages with C-based syntax, the expression condition ? true_value : false_value evaluates to true_value if condition is true and to false_value if condition is false.

For example, the script below will print underaged if variable age is less than 18, or adult otherwise:

object "Application"
    age = 23;
    message = age < 18 ? "underaged" : "adult";

    state "main"